How To Get To The Basement Of Sorcerous Sundries

Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerous Sundries puzzle solution

How to Get to the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries

In the bustling city of Neverwinter, nestled amidst cobblestone streets and towering spires, lies a hidden gem known as the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries. A labyrinthine realm concealed beneath the bustling streets, it is a sanctuary for seekers of arcane knowledge and practitioners of the mystic arts. But finding your way to this subterranean treasury is no easy feat.

Legend has it that the basement was once a secret stronghold for a coven of powerful sorcerers. As their powers grew, so did their need for a place to store their vast collection of magical artifacts and forbidden lore. Over time, their lair became known as the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries, where the most coveted and dangerous items of arcane knowledge were said to reside.

Unveiling the Hidden Entrance

To gain access to this subterranean realm, you must first locate the hidden entrance, concealed within the old alchemist’s shop on the city’s outskirts. As you enter the dimly lit shop, your senses will be assailed by the pungent odor of potions and the subtle hum of alchemical experiments. Seek out the aged shopkeeper, his eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom. With a cryptic nod, he will hand you a brass key and a whispered riddle:

“Find the lady with the emerald eyes,
Where shadows dance and secrets lie.
Knock thrice upon her ancient door,
And the basement’s entrance shall reveal more.”

Navigating the Labyrinthine Depths

Your journey to the basement begins with following the winding alleyways, guided by the riddle’s clues. You will encounter enigmatic figures and navigate treacherous traps, each step leading you deeper into the heart of the labyrinth. As you approach the lady with emerald eyes, a wise old crone sitting in a secluded alcove, knock thrice upon her weather-worn door. To your astonishment, the door swings open, revealing a narrow staircase spiraling downwards into the unknown.

Descend the dimly lit stairs, your feet echoing in the silence. With each step, the air grows heavy with the scent of musty parchment and the faint shimmer of ethereal energies. Finally, you reach the bottom of the staircase, finding yourself in the dimly lit expanse of the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries.

Exploring the Secrets of the Basement

The basement is a vast and awe-inspiring repository of arcane knowledge. Dusty shelves lined with ancient tomes beckon you closer, promising to reveal long-lost secrets and forgotten spells. In glass display cases, you will find artifacts of immense power, their enchantments still humming with an ethereal glow. The basement is a treasure-trove for the curious and the ambitious alike, where the boundaries of reality blur and the impossible becomes attainable.

But beware, for the basement is not without its perils. Forbidden knowledge lingers in the shadows, waiting to corrupt the unwary. Ancient spirits whisper forbidden secrets, tempting you with promises of power. And malicious entities lurk within the darkness, eager to prey upon those who delve too deeply into the arcane arts.

Tips for Navigating the Basement

If you seek to venture into the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries, heed these words carefully:

  • Seek Knowledge and Wisdom: Before exploring the basement, equip yourself with a thirst for knowledge and a deep respect for the arcane arts.
  • Mind Your Step: The basement is a labyrinthine maze filled with hidden dangers. Tread carefully and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Respect the Spirits: The basement is home to ancient spirits and ethereal beings. Treat them with respect and avoid disturbing their slumber.
  • Practice Discretion: The basement is a place of secrecy and mystery. Keep your discoveries to yourself and avoid attracting unwanted attention.
  • Embrace Curiosity: The basement is a treasure-trove of arcane knowledge. Embrace your curiosity and explore its depths, but do so with caution and wisdom.


Q: What is the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries?

A: The Basement of Sorcerous Sundries is a legendary underground repository of arcane knowledge and magical artifacts.

Q: How do I find the entrance to the basement?

A: The entrance is concealed within an old alchemist’s shop on the outskirts of the city. Seek out the aged shopkeeper and solve his riddle to gain access.

Q: What can I find in the basement?

A: The basement houses a vast collection of ancient tomes, powerful artifacts, and forbidden knowledge.

Q: Are there any dangers in exploring the basement?

A: Yes, the basement is home to ancient spirits, malicious entities, and hidden perils. Tread carefully and respect the secrets you uncover.


The Basement of Sorcerous Sundries is a realm of mystery, knowledge, and untapped power. Whether you seek ancient wisdom or arcane artifacts, your journey to this subterranean treasury is sure to be an unforgettable one. Remember the tips and heed the warnings, and you may just return from your expedition with the knowledge and treasures that you seek.

Are you ready to delve into the Basement of Sorcerous Sundries and uncover its secrets? The labyrinth awaits, its mysteries beckoning you from the depths of the earth.

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